Russian market of shipping industry is the most stable: Albert Vygovsky


Managing Director of North-Western Shipping Company Albert Vygovsky told about prospects of development of different segments of shipping business in Russia, at the round table "Maritime and Inland Waterways Transport. Outlook of Development” that was organized in the framework of the project told about prospects of development of different segments of shipping business in Russia.

“North-Western Shipping Company, as a Russian shipping company that operates vessels flying the Russian flag and employing Russian crews, enthusiastically greeted the appearance of federal law promoting Russian shipbuilding and shipping industries. It is very important that the government understands the need for development of the domestic shipping, which position has considerably weakened in the last twenty years. Nevertheless, we can expect to see in the next ten or fifteen years a growth in demand for transport of Russian goods. As the Russian railways and road transport are troubled with congestions, the water transport will be able to handle the demand for shipping more cargo volumes,” he adds.

Currently, there are three segments of the shipping business in the Russian market. The first of these is an ocean segment, the ‘deep sea’. The second segment is transportation by inland waterways and the third segment is cargo transportation by mixed sailing river-sea-going vessels, as well as the European coastal traffic, ‘short sea shipping’.


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